Announcing: The PowerGRYD Community for Aspiring and Established vCISOs


Cynomi is thrilled to announce our sponsorship of the PowerGRYD Community, a vCISO community for MSPs, MSSPs and service providers aiming to develop and scale their vCISO services. This vendor-neutral community will be managed by Jesse Miller, world-class vCISO consultant and founder of PowerPSA consulting.

At Cynomi, we’re committed to empowering MSPs and MSSPs, facilitating knowledge sharing among vCISOs and doing our share to shape the future of the vCISO space. That’s why we decided to sponsor Jesse Miller’s community, and support the efforts for connecting and advancing vCISOs and a vCISO network.

Grow Your vCISO Career

The PowerGRYD community for vCISOs is intended for professionals who want to learn and thrive amidst the unique challenges and opportunities hidden in the vCISO practice. These include the challenges of finding skilled security personnel, scaling to meet client demands and the inefficiencies in manual and unstandardized processes. As such, the community offers the most up-to-date vCISO education and an opportunity to communicate with peers and learn from each other.

“Providing vCISO services is a significant and lucrative opportunity for MSPs and MSSPs,” says David Primor, CEO of Cynomi. “This line of business can significantly help service providers grow their business and revenue.”

Service providers who join the community will learn how to develop an ICP and Go-to-Market plan, build a pitch deck, determine pricing, write SoWs with templates, deliver services at scale and use relevant technological tools that will accelerate their services.

The vCISO Blueprint for Success

With more SMBs and SMEs requiring vCISO services to protect against third-party risks, comply with regulations and meet cyber insurance requirements, MSPs and MSSPs are rushing to keep up. By the end of this year, 86% are planning to provide vCISO services.

The PowerGRYD community is an effective and efficient way to accelerate the vCISO learning curve, provide high quality vCISO services to clients and scale growth and revenue more easily. For services providers starting out, the community can help launch the vCISO practice in months. Experienced vCISOs can use the community to learn best practices, share knowledge with each other and get exposed to new templates and methodologies that will save them valuable time.

“The PowerGRYD community will provide helpful information and resources that will save members’ time and effort,” says Jesse Miller, community manager. “We’re going to have vCISO video courses, templates that can be used, guides and methodologies, group forums, AMA sessions with highly experienced vCISOs and a free 12-month license to Cynomi.”

Learn more and register to the community here. If you are an existing Cynomi partner, you are eligible for a discount. Reach out to your Partner Account Manager for more info.

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